4 Quotes & Sayings By Pa Ross

PA Ross is a British writer with a passion for writing. His first book, "Stand Tall" which is the inspirational story of his journey to becoming self-published, has so far sold over 50,000 copies worldwide. He has also written about how to get started with blogging and the myth of the “average author”. PA Ross was born in England and educated at Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard Universities Read more

After graduating he worked at the University of Oxford where he researched the early history of the Internet. He moved to London in 1999 where he started an Internet business that helped people understand how to use social media to build their personal brands. He then moved to New York City where he became a full-time writer and author.

What is your name?” I asked.“ Thorn.”“ Thorn?”“ If you touch me, you bleed. P.A. Ross
I am Thorn, and I have come to make you bleed, P.A. Ross
I had to decide who I was, Night or Day, Human or Vampire. P.A. Ross